
Our privacy policy is very simple. Your audio files are yours. You own them. When you upload audio files to MP3CutterPro.com, we temporarily save them on our servers to process them and they are deleted automatically from our servers after 30 minutes - forever. We don't ask you for any other private information.

That's pretty much about it.

By using MP3CutterPro.com, you consent to our privacy policy.

We reserve the right to change our privacy policy at any time and in case we decide to change the privacy policy, we will post the changes on this page.

一次只能上传20个文件. 音频的最大文件大小为300MB。 不支持的文件格式,请上传有效的音频文件. 不支持的格式:未添加某些文件. 文件上传错误,请重试. 对不起,出问题了,请重试. 不支持的文件格式,请插入有效的音频URL. 错误:开始时间和结束时间不能相同. 错误:开始时间和结束时间必须有效. 该文件已过期.请在下面上传新文件. 未选择文件.请先选择一个文件. 上传错误:请删除失败的上传,然后重试